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HKFP Lens: 'Dear Hong Kong' celebrates city's diversity with new photo book

来源:Earthly Edition news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-03 16:36:57

With a series of portraits of people from all over the world, a non-profit social project called Dear Hong Kongcelebrates their contribution to Hong Kong in a 200-page photo book.

In addition to the book, Dear Hong Kong is holding an exhibition to share stories and portraits of inspiring people from all around the world who live in the city.

Philippines - Dr. Mike Manio by Bradley Aaron @bradley_aaron_portraits
Dr. Mike Manio, co-founder of EmpowerU, a non-profit educational and empowerment platform for foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong. Photo: Bradley Aaron.
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“By documenting stories and humanity, we hope that the book can be a platform to give voice to the voiceless, challenge stereotypes, and promote mutual understanding,” said Dear Hong Kong co-founders Oskar Valles and Aggie Lam.

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